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Rachel Davis


Rachel helps lead the Savannah Outreach Program, and assists in the production of the Annual Savannah T.E.A.L.® Walk™. She resides in Savannah, GA and has been married for 17 years to her husband who used to be in the Air Force. Rachel has 4 beautiful sons. She is an avid reader, loves to craft, and just generally enjoys the outdoors and fitness. She has worked as a pharmacy technician with her company for 22 years. Rachel learned about Tell Every Amazing Lady® through her relationship with South University. She is a strong loyal person who genuinely believes that advocacy makes a difference in the lives of both young and old. Unfortunately Rachel lost her mother to ovarian cancer. She believes sharing her story is so important, because knowledge is power and the more people she meets and talks to, the more awareness she can spread. 

Rachel’s insistence and dedication on spreading awareness about ovarian cancer, and the powerful recognition that this can save lives has made Rachel an integral part of our volunteer team in Savannah, GA. Rachel’s commitment to her community and to T.E.A.L.® helped re-introduce Tell Every Amazing Lady® programs, events and resources back into Savannah, GA post-pandemic. Her passion is unwavering, and her goal to Tell Every Amazing Lady® about ovarian cancer is admirable. Thank you Rachel for all that you do, and for everything that you are!

To learn more about T.E.A.L.® in Savannah, please click here.

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