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Jane Weedon


Jane leads T.E.A.L.®’s weekly Energy Healing and Meditation Workshop on Wednesday’s at 9am EST virtually. Jane is a licensed physical therapist and former professional dancer and choreographer.  She has a private physical therapy practice in Brooklyn, NY and specializes in integrating holistic health modalities into her physical therapy practice along with pediatric, pain management and women’s health.

Jane is certified in various energy healing modalities. For the last 12+ years, she studied and was mentored by internationally renowned Dr. Joyce Hawkes PhD in Cell-Level Healing. She has studied Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and various Shamanic traditions.

Jane is passionate about helping others learn and enjoys providing mentoring, teaching instruction, workshops, and lectures.  She has been a clinical instructor to physical therapy students and developed continuing education for professional physical therapists. She has an ongoing lecture series on anatomy and kinesiology for alternative health care practitioners, educational teachers, bodyworkers, and yoga teachers.  Jane has developed and taught a course in Mindfulness for Children, Integrating Body & Sensory Awareness. She has developed the course into a teaching program. She gives lectures and enrichment programs for teachers, parents, health professionals and educational organizations.

Jane’s Philosophy

My passion has always been about the body and how it moves and works and connects to our deeper selves.  Every choice I have made in my career and pursuit of education always has this passion at its core. My dance career was about learning how the body can be trained in an intensive physical discipline and how the body can express our most inner intimate selves. My physical therapy education and career is about learning medically and biologically how the body works and how to help people obtain maximum functional movement and health. My alternative health care education has been to expand my body/biological knowledge into the body’s energy fields and help people tap into their own body’s ability to heal. Tying all this knowledge together is my steady long-term meditation practice along with Qigong and yoga practices. The body/mind/spirit is not just a logo for me it has been a life pursuit that continues to grow.

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