T.E.A.L.® Support & Resources

Tell Every Amazing Lady ® offers a range of support to ovarian cancer survivors, caregivers, and loved ones touched by ovarian cancer. Learn more about all of our T.E.A.L.® Internal Programs here.

T.E.A.L.® has many partnerships with organizations that can be used as referrals for whatever your needs may be. This page is being updated often, and not all of our resources may be listed.  If you can’t find something specific that you are looking for here, please contact us directly at 917-310-4835 or contact@tealwalk.org

Free Virtual and In-person Workshops

Join us at one of our workshops virtually on Zoom or at the T.E.A.L.® Community Center in Brooklyn. Workshop topics constantly evolve and are facilitated by volunteers. These might include education and awareness around ovarian cancer, and also general health and wellness. Some workshops are open to ovarian cancer survivors, caregivers, or loved ones touched by this disease, while many are open to the general public. Check out www.tealwalk.org/workshops for an updated schedule and RSVP form.

Share your story
Our testimonial page is a great way to let others know about what you have gone through which in return can inspire, and even alert someone to symptoms or treatments. Share your experience with ovarian cancer, our annual T.E.A.L.® Walk, or any other story you have relating to this disease. We want to hear from you! We also have a volunteer writer available who can interview you to document your story on our website. Contact us if you’re interested.

Attend our events
We encourage those undergoing treatment or in remission to  participate in our events. There are always groups of survivors in attendance and it is a great way to meet others with similar situations. At each T.E.A.L.® event it is wonderful to see so many survivors together. Our events are attended by not only survivors but also caregivers, families and friends of those who’ve been touched by ovarian cancer. It’s a great way to meet others who’ve gone through a similar experience. Go To Event Central Now.

Clinical Trials

Tell Every Amazing Lady® Clinical Trial Navigation Service
Call 855-216-0103 Monday-Friday 9am-6pm EST or email TEAL@emergingmed.com

We want you to be aware of all treatment options. 
Tell Every Amazing Lady is working with EmergingMed to offer you a way to take action – a free, unbiased, confidential, personalized service that helps you understand which ovarian clinical trials may be an option for you. Clinical trials are research studies that test how well new medical approaches work in people with early stage or advanced cancers. They have a natural place in your care as doctors strive to improve current ovarian treatments and search for new and better ones.

How does the service work? 
We help you quickly search for clinical trials that match your specific diagnosis and treatment history. We recommend that you search for clinical trial options before you begin your first treatment and again at any time you are faced with a new treatment decision. Our service helps you stay informed about all your choices. We never want to hear you say: “I wish I had known about that option earlier”. The service is free, unbiased and completely confidential. We encourage you to call 855-216-0103 to find clinical trials that match your situation and to learn more about cancer research. Our clinical trial navigators are available Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm ET.


Patient Airlift Services (PALS)
A national non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, that has flown more than 20,000 flights since inception in 2010.  We believe that when someone is experiencing an illness or humanitarian crisis that receiving the best medical care, compassionate support or disaster relief is a basic—human—right— no matter how far that care, or support is from home. Our team of volunteer pilots, as well as our corporate and commercial partners, enable us to provide families in need with comprehensive door-to-door transportation assistance, including both free air and ground transportation. See if you qualify and request a mission here.

Genetic Testing & Genetic Counseling

Do you have a family history of ovarian, breast, colon, or endometrial cancer? Learn about genetic testing today.

Want to learn more about your cancer risk? Take this hereditary cancer quiz to help you determine whether you should be further evaluated for either Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer syndrome or Lynch syndrome.

Find a Genetic Counselor in your area through the National Society of Genetic Counselors: http://nsgc.org/p/cm/ld/fid=164

Basser Center for BRCA

The Basser Center
BRCA at Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center is the first comprehensive center for the research, treatment, and prevention of BRCA-related cancers. Devoted to advancing care for people affected by BRCA gene mutations, the Basser Center’s unique model provides funding for collaborative research, education, and outreach programs around the world.

Provides resources for people living with Lynch Syndrome. Lynch Syndrome is a genetic condition which predisposes carriers to certain types of cancers including endometrial and colorectal cancers. AliveAndKickn supports patients through research, education, and screening as well as provides a community for individuals living with Lynch Syndrome to share, learn, and grow in a safe and enriching environment.

T.E.A.L.® genetics page
Learn more about genetic risk factors, genetic counseling, and genetic testing options with our online guide.


Fertility Support

Speak to a professional in the New York City area to find out more about fertility preservation for women and men facing cancer treatment. www.genesisfertility.com/oncofertility.ht

T.E.A.L.® x RMA of NY Oncofertility brochure
T.E.A.L.® and RMA of New York collaboratively recognize and acknowledge the critical importance of providing comprehensive fertility preservation options for individuals facing diverse reproductive health challenges, particularly ovarian cancer patients and survivors, those genetically predisposed to ovarian cancer (BRCA and Lynch Syndrome+) and those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and other conditions unique to women. It is understood that these individuals often encounter complex and emotionally demanding journeys. Preserving and accessing fertility preservation options can significantly impact their quality of life, future aspirations, and family-building choices.

Guidance and Support

Jasper is a digital app for your cancer care. Organize your schedule, track your medications and symptoms, and access cancer care coaching support–all in once place. Jasper is available both via web and mobile app. To sign up and learn more visit www.hellojasper.com/members

Gilda’s Club / The Wellness Community
A national support network with local NY branches that provides social and emotional support for people affected by cancer

Cancer Care
Offers over-the-phone and in-person support by trained oncology social workers to those touched by cancer. Phone support 800-813-4673

A local organization that gives support to those affected by breast and ovarian cancer through a network of breast and ovarian cancer survivors.

Woman To Woman
A one-to-one emotional support program at Mount Sinai Hospital as well as New York Presbyterian Hospital.

Offers guidance and support for women and families facing ovarian cancer.

Cancer and Careers
A national nonprofit that empowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in their workplace, by providing expert advice, interactive tools and educational events. The organization reaches more than 325,000 individuals per year online, in print and in person. Its free services include a comprehensive website and library of publications in English and Spanish; legal and insurance information; career coaching; resume review; professional development micro-grants; and national events and workshops for people with cancer and their healthcare providers, coworkers and employers.

Steps Through OC
A national program created for survivors and caregivers of women with ovarian cancer. This program offers free individual counseling, patient education, and any resources that are personalized for any individual’s needs. Survivors and caregivers to be matched to a licensed mental health professional with a specific background in ovarian cancer. Registration provides counselors with information to individualize the survivor or caregiver’s support plan. You can follow this link to read more about the organization, and this link to begin the registration process.

15 of the Best Gifts I received during cancer treatment
Informative article written by an ovarian cancer survivor. 

Daughters of T.E.A.L.®
A support group for women who have lost a mother, aunt, sister, or friend to ovarian cancer. Check our workshops page for upcoming dates.

T.E.A.L.® Grief Guide
Our grief guide is specifically designed for caregivers and loved ones who have lost someone to ovarian cancer. We provide tools that might help to identify whether you are dealing with grief and how your grief may manifest itself in daily activities. We also provide details on T.E.A.L.® support groups that you may find helpful in your healing journey. Please click here for more information.

T.E.A.L.® Amazing Lady Membership Program
Tell Every Amazing Lady’s T.E.A.L.® Amazing Lady Membership Program provides patients and survivors with specialized kits to support their needs during treatment and recovery. Anyone who has ever been diagnosed with ovarian cancer is eligible for this program at no cost. As a gift from T.E.A.L.®, you could receive a T.E.A.L.® Membership Kit, a T.E.A.L.® Chemotherapy Kit, and a T.E.A.L.® Birthday Kit. You are able to connect with others in our survivor community while receiving support and resources tailored to your individual needs.  This program also gives you exclusive perks at our in person and virtual events. We want you to know that you are not alone throughout your journey.

LGBTQ+ Resources

📞 Hotline
🏥 Healthcare provider search
📚 Cancer support 
💗Support groups

National Support 

Human Rights Campaign 📞💗🏥
The Human Rights Campaign is based in Washington, D.C., where they fight for LGBTQ+ equality. On their website you will find a copy of the Healthcare Equality Index, which highlights healthcare providers that are equitable and provide inclusive care for LGBTQ+ individuals.

GSA Network  📞💗
GSA Network is a student-run organization that is based in schools around the U.S. GSA Network started as a way for young LGBTQ+ youth to come together and create safe spaces. They have since grown into a huge vehicle for social change. Their website provides youth-specific LGBTQ+ resources.

Queer Health Access 🏥 
Queer Health Access’ mission is finding competent, safe healthcare services for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Their website has resources ranging from sexual education, cancer-related questions, links to healthcare service facilities that have been approved to ensure safe care for members of the LGBTQ+ community, and more.

The LGBTQ Cancer Network 🏥 💗📚
The LGBTQ Cancer Network works to educate the LGBTQ+ community on increased cancer risks and trains healthcare providers to offer more safe and welcoming care. They have various resources on their website concerning healthcare providers, treatment providers, and cancer screening providers.

WPATH or World Professional Association for Transgender Health, has an abundance of service providers they trust as well as general resources and recommended reading.

HealthSherpa 🏥
Health Sherpa is based in San Francisco and works to help you find your most affordable healthcare plan by locating providers right in your neighborhood. They claim that 4 out of 5 people find a plan for $10 a month or less. Health Sherpa works hard to make a difficult system a little easier by educating people on healthcare and helping people enroll with ease.

Sage 💗🏥 
Sage is a nationwide organization that focuses on making aging better for LGBTQ+ people nationwide. Their website has resources for caregiving providers, discrimination help information, and financial and legal assistance.


Local Support in the NYC Boroughs

The Center 💗 📞
The Center is a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community. They provide services that circle around their core mission which is recovery, wellness, family and youth. They have an abundance of resources ranging from adoption or foster care options, to mental health and wellness. They have a list of LGBTQ+ friendly businesses, hotels, employment, food resources, and they even have hotlines available. 

Home Support

Cleaning for a Reason
Provides four free general house cleanings to women aged 19 and above who are currently undergoing cancer treatment for any type of cancer. Application and eligibility information can be found on their website.

God’s Love We Deliver
The New York metropolitan area’s leading provider of life-sustaining meals and nutrition counseling for people living with severe illnesses. Begun as an HIV/AIDS service organization, today God’s Love provides for people living with more than 200 individual diagnoses. God’s Love cooks and home delivers the specific, nutritious meals a client’s severe illness and treatment so urgently require. Meals are individually tailored for each client by one of our Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, and all clients have access to unlimited nutrition counseling. God’s Love supports families by providing meals for the children and senior caregivers of its clients. All of the agency’s services are provided free of charge, and in its history of 30 years of cooking and delivering more than 16 million meals, God’s Love We Deliver has never had a waiting list. This year, God’s Love will cook and deliver more than 1.4 million meals to 6,000 vulnerable New Yorkers.  For more information, visit godslovewedeliver.org. God’s Love is a non-sectarian organization.

Diet, Nutrition & Wellness

Cooking for Chemo
Food doesn’t have to taste disgusting! Cancer patients stop eating during chemo treatments because food is no longer enjoyable. Who wants to eat food that tastes bad? The answer is NO ONE! During chemotherapy, food begins to taste disgusting, smell terrible, and can hurt when we eat it. All these factors combined create a horrible eating experience. Over time, this causes us to become discouraged and avoid eating all together. Cooking for Chemo’s mission is to teach you HOW to adjust your cooking so your food no longer tastes disgusting! We teach common sense, practical, and easy to use cooking techniques that help you enjoy eating again. Our easy to understand cooking techniques help cancer fighters take one more bite of food to fight off starvation. Our goal is to help you take back a part of your life that cancer has taken away… the simple enjoyment of eating good tasting food. Email info@cookingforchemo.org. 

Cancer and Careers Publications
Digital and Printed publications available in English and Spanish

On-the-Go Guides
Includes nutrition, fitness and makeup

InaⓇ, The Intelligent Nutrition Assistant
T.E.A.L.® has partnered with Savor HealthⓇ to bring personalized nutrition support to help people with cancer eat healthy and stay well nourished throughout treatment and beyond. Good nutrition can help people with cancer feel better and manage symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, tiredness, and decreased appetite. Simply text InaⓇ from your cell phone 24/7 and she’ll respond with personalized nutrition tips, recipes, and answers to your questions. Knowledge and advice from InaⓇ comes from registered dietitians, nurses, and doctors who are experts in treating and supporting cancer patients. Registration and unlimited 24/7 access to InaⓇ is free, safe, and secure

Beauty Support

Are you currently in treatment and live in the NYC area? Contact us for additional services by email contact@tealwalk.org or by phone 917-310-4835

Cancer and Careers Publications 
Digital and Printed publications available in English and Spanish

On-the-Go Guides 
Includes nutrition, fitness and makeup

Financial Resources, Living Wills, Health Care Proxy, & Applying for Disability

Five Wishes
An easy to use legal document written in everyday language that lets adults of all ages plan how they want to be cared for if they become seriously ill.

Cancer Care 
Offering limited Financial Assistance to people affected by cancer.

Cancer and Careers Publications

  • Living and Working with Cancer Workbook(4th Edition)
  • The Most Important Resources for Working People with Cancer
  • Cancer on a Shoestring Survival Guide
  • Living with Cancer As a Chronic Disease Survival Guide
  • Manager’s Kit
  • On-the-Go Guides (includes nutrition, fitness and makeup)

Lotsa Helping Hands
An organization that provides an online tool to assist in organizing support. This free web-based service helps manage and simplify everyday tasks of family, friends, colleagues and neighbors wishing to help loved ones in need.

Provides financial assistance and many other helpful resources.

Family Reach.org
Family Reach free resources can help you meet your basic needs — food, housing, utilities, and transportation — and voice your financial concerns, whether you’re at the beginning of your cancer experience or almost through treatment.

Advanced Treatment Research

Pelvic Rehab.com
A directory for patients searching for pelvic rehabilitation practitioners. These practitioners provide treatment for problems related to the pelvic floor. This treatment can include exercises that can help relieve symptoms like pain, discomfort, and disruptions to your quality of life. All of the information within this site is self reported.
Preserves your live tumor tissue at the time of surgery or biopsy.
Why preserve your tumor?
  1. Prioritize drugs based on the biologic profile of your cancer cells
  2. Test which drugs work in the lab and identify the right combination
  3. Strengthen your immune system and direct it to fight your cancer cells