I had a family member get diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and when any family member gets diagnosed, it affects everyone. I heard of T.E.A.L.® through them and events/fundraisers they participated in for T.E.A.L.®. When I saw there was an opportunity to join T.E.A.L.® and help spread their message by running the TCS New York City Marathon, I thought it was the perfect organization to partner with. I’ve ran one other marathon before and absolutely loved it. The goal I set for myself then was to run the entire marathon, no walking allowed! For this marathon I would love to quicken my pace and finish in 3 hours and 30 minutes, which will be a half hour faster than I’ve ran a marathon before. I love the ability to use running as a mental break and recharge. I don’t like to listen to music or podcasts while running.
I like to be alone with my thoughts, focusing on the beauty of the environment around me. It helps me be more present in my life. Besides curing the disease entirely, I would change the ability of having an accurate screening test. Accurate screening is so important to prevent many different diseases and the fact that there isn’t one to test for ovarian cancer is a shame, especially because the symptoms of ovarian cancer are often times vague. I would want to tell those battling with ovarian cancer that their not alone.
I would want them to know that I’m cheering them on, supporting in anyway that I can. That I hope everyday brings them a little more strength, determination, and healing. I would want them to know that they are strong, inspiring and we’re all going to get through this together. I am incredibly grateful that I get to run for such an amazing cause and I can’t wait to continue to share the message of T.E.A.L.® and spread awareness of ovarian cancer.
Tessa Spencer
To donate to Tessa, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 TCS New York City Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s marathon page today.