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Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 TCS New York City Marathon Runner, Rana!

I lost my mom, Crishna Bose-Bansal, on July 1, 2015, to ovarian cancer. 

She was the strongest person I have ever met. Before she was pregnant with me, my mom was training for the Boston Marathon. She never got to see my sister and I graduate from college in Cambridge and move to New York City, so I am excited to run the five boroughs in her honor and to celebrate her life and her undying spirit. 

My fundraising efforts will support both research towards a cure for ovarian cancer and early testing and screening for women of all ages. 

To donate to Rana, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 TCS New York City Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s marathon page today.

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