I was doing some runs in the thick of the pandemic to raise money for other charities in the city and I met a run coach named Kai @runcoachkai during some of those events and he mentioned T.E.A.L.® He connected me with T.E.A.L.® and I completed my first marathon for T.E.A.L.® in 2021.
My goal for the 2022 marathon is to raise more resources and awareness for T.E.A.L.® and also complete the marathon faster than I did last year. I am aiming to complete it in 3 hours and 40 minutes but if I get under 4 hours I will be content and of course if I can do faster that’s even better.
I started running simply as a way to relieve stress and as a form of working out that got me back in touch with the outdoors. New York City doesn’t offer much nature, but what it lacks in trees it has abundance of in culture and community. I did not expect to love running as much as I do but it has brought me peace and an amazing connection to the city and the people in it.
If I could change one thing it would be to find a cure for all cancers but we’re not there yet so for now I would create as much awareness as possible in the hopes that more investment can be made in the research and support of those dealing with ovarian cancer.
I would say to every amazing lady that there is always hope and that there a lot of us with love and determination in our hearts to help defeat this disease. We are running hard in the hopes to help make ovarian cancer a thing of the past.
I am truly honored to be able to run for T.E.A.L.® and to do my small part in helping those fighting ovarian cancer. My Aunt Ann passed away from cancer at a young age and she gives me the energy and strength to help others dealing with this hardship. I hope my efforts can bring some assistance and hope to the women and their families facing ovarian cancer.
You can help Dennis reach his fundraising goal for the TCS New York City Marathon here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.