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Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® 2022 TCS New York City Marathon Runner Carolina!

I got involved with T.E.A.L.® through a friend who has been supporting T.E.A.L.® for several years and knows all the hard work that they do.

My goal for the TCS New York City Marathon is that I want to keep running all the time, I’m gonna try not to walk.

Running makes me feel strong and helps me clear my mind. It makes me feel that by working hard and pushing myself a little more I can get out of my comfort zone and reach new physical and mental goals.

If I could make a difference in one thing related to ovarian cancer, I would like there to be a rule in hospitals or medical services where all women have to know the signs for early detection and symptoms of ovarian cancer. I’d want more campaigns and information about it available.

My message for every amazing lady about ovarian cancer is this: Taking care of ourselves and helping to take care of other women by sharing the information we have about ovarian cancer is very important. Going regularly to the doctor for checkups should be a priority in our lives.

This is my first marathon and also my first time doing a fundraiser. The satisfaction I feel for being able to contribute in a small way for such a special cause will stay with me forever. 

You can help Carolina reach her fundraising goal for the TCS New York City Marathon here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

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