Meet Maureen, the T.E.A.L.®-nominated Volunteer of the Month for July!

For the student at Urban Academy, volunteerism runs in the family.

“I became involved with T.E.A.L.® because my sister who is two years older than me worked at T.E.A.L.®. I saw what she was doing and it was a good community service idea for me.”

She started helping in the T.E.A.L.® Community Center in Brooklyn in September. She organized the office, helped prepare the T.E.A.L.® newsletter for mailing, and assisted with packing T.E.A.L.® Kits for survivors.

To Maureen, when volunteering with Tell Every Amazing Lady®, she knows she’s making a difference.

“The thing about T.E.A.L.® is I know how personal it is. I know that I don’t normally see the survivor, but I know that what I’m doing is impacting them.”

For anyone thinking about volunteering, Maureen says go for it.

“If you have the time to do it and you’re passionate about it, you should definitely volunteer.”

Have you heard? We now have a Volunteer of the Month nomination program! We’re highlighting one volunteer each month as a way to say thank you for the outstanding work you put in.

We need your help! Nominate yourself or another volunteer for a future month.