Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Marc!

I became involved with T.E.A.L.® through my great friend and colleague Michael.

My goal is to be in the best running shape of my life and enjoy the whole experience. I love how running “quiets” my head and often helps me think more clearly. It’s an activity that when completed, makes me feel better about my day and what was accomplished. If I had the power to make a difference related to ovarian cancer, I would want to increase awareness, funding and research. And hopefully a cure is discovered as a result.  
Every amazing lady has the power to inspire others with their courage, positive attitude, and bravery.

Excited to have an opportunity to raise awareness and funds for research for Ovarian cancer.  It’s a great cause with exceptional people. I’m thankful to be a part of Team TEAL!!!

To donate to Marc, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today.

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Maria!

My name is Maria. I’m 47 and married with two beautiful children. I’m a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor as well as a Special Education Teaching Assistant in the Syosset High School. Up until August 2022 I lived a very healthy and active lifestyle…

I have always suffered from IBS symptoms, and I noticed they were getting worse. Bloating, cramps, constipation, etc. Turns out after demanding an MRI thinking I had a blockage I was hit with the news that I had stage 3 ovarian cancer. Full hysterectomy and debulking came next with a difficult recovery and 8 rounds of chemotherapy. I couldn’t wait to enjoy the “I BEAT CANCER” party I had planned to throw myself only to find out that I am not cancer free. I may never be cancer free…As I am still going through my treatments I’ve never once thought of giving up. I have an amazing support system that has helped me through this battle, and I truly believe that God never gives you anything you can’t handle…

I am fundraising for Tell Every Amazing Lady® and planning on running this half marathon to prove to myself and to others that even with cancer, I can live my life to the fullest. I will never let it beat me without a fight. 

To donate to Maria, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today.

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Yvonne!

I lost a dear friend of mine to ovarian cancer two years ago. She was the same age as me, and also a runner and a triathlete. When I saw that Tell Every Amazing Lady® was one of the charities involved in the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half, I knew that this was the charity I wanted to run for and raise money for as a tribute to my friend.

My friend Louisa dealt with her diagnosis with courage, grace, acceptance and even humor. I take the lessons I learned from her and try and apply them every day.

I have a few goals for the 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon! I had extensive knee surgery in September 2022 and ran my first half-marathon in November 2023 which was amazing although I did have some residual pain. My goal for this race is a pain free race! Apart from that, I want to raise lots of money for Tell Every Amazing Lady® and to have fun!

I love how running makes me feel – free, strong, confident, like I can do anything! I also love that I can pretty much do it anywhere, anytime and I get to enjoy and explore the environment I am in.

If I had the power to make a difference, I would love for there to be greater awareness around ovarian cancer and a more robust process for screening so more women could be diagnosed earlier.

Please show up and cheer us on! Every spectator and cheer helps!

To donate to Yvonne, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Taylor!

My name is Taylor Tuohey, I am from Rockaway Beach, New York City and I am so excited to run the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon with Tell Every Amazing Lady® in the upcoming weeks! I have chosen to run my first half marathon with Tell Every Amazing Lady® in memory of my mom – Coleen Tuohey. My mom battled ovarian cancer for several years before passing away in February 2014. My mom and I, along with family and friends would always participate in Tell Every Amazing Lady® walks as it was one of her favorite days. She would always be dancing and smiling the entire walk. It will soon be 10 years and I thought this is a perfect time to run for her, and others who are battling ovarian cancer! 

To donate to Taylor, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Michele!

I wanted to introduce myself and give a little background to how I found Tell Every Amazing Lady®. I am an avid runner and triathlete, I have been in the running community for years, as I am now 57. I have in the past found it meaningful to run for a cause bigger than myself and have raised awareness and funds for a lot of different organizations over the years. I ran to the White House for childhood cancer awareness, I have run the Marine Corps Marathon for Hope for the warriors, and I was a team leader for our local CF organization. 

Recently my close friend was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. I have watched as she has undergone two surgeries, and two rounds of chemo. The last round finished recently. I was scheduled to do the Long Island 1/2 Ironman this past September and needed some motivation to complete it. I asked my girlfriend if I could run for her and raise some money towards her medical bills, she refused but mentioned Tell Every Amazing Lady®. She told me to run for a charity that has been there for her. I immediately signed up and raised $100.00 and learned more about the work Tell Every Amazing Lady® is doing. I work as a NP in an acute care hospital, and since I am now more aware of this organization, I have felt more compelled to share Tell Every Amazing Lady resources and partner with them. I am looking forward to raising funds for this charity as I train and run the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon proudly wearing a Tell Every Amazing Lady® uniform!

To donate to Michele, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Maeve!

I heard about Tell Every Amazing Lady® through my younger brother Henry, who ran with the team last year. The outpouring of love and support he received, and the donations he generated for the organization was truly inspiring.

We lost our mom, MaryPat, to ovarian cancer in September of 2022. Running a half-marathon isn’t easy, and the training can sometimes be difficult. However, it is nothing compared to what our mom faced, like so many other women, in her fight against cancer. I am looking forward to pushing myself to honor what she went through. 

My goal for the race is to enjoy it. I am not necessarily looking to finish in a certain amount of time, but to enjoy experiencing the run alongside my brother while appreciating those who come out to support us. 

I hope to remain a part of Tell Every Amazing Lady® moving forward. I believe that research into earlier detection of ovarian cancer is what will be the key to saving the lives of countless women moving forward.  I am looking forward to continuing to help spread the organization’s message and, most importantly, make my mom proud. 

To donate to Maeve, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Kimberly!

Wife, mom of two, and a passionate runner from Long Island. With a decade of running experience, I’ve conquered races from 5Ks to marathons, including the TCS NYC Marathon last November. This upcoming United Airlines NYC Half Marathon is not just a race for me; it’s a journey in honor of my dear friend Maria, bravely battling ovarian cancer. The best part? Maria is running this empowering journey by my side.

To donate to Kimberly, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Kaitlyn!

I am running with Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® in memory of my grandmother who passed away from ovarian cancer in 2020. My grandmother was the most generous and kindhearted person I’ve ever known, and I cannot think of a better way to honor her memory than to fundraise for an organization that supports those battling ovarian cancer. 

Since my grandmother’s passing, I have inevitably learned a lot about this deadly disease. I was very shocked to learn that there is no screening test for ovarian cancer and many women aren’t familiar with the signs and symptoms. I am extremely grateful to be fundraising for an organization that funds research to find a screening test and cure, as well as raises awareness of the signs and symptoms. I hope that one day no woman has to suffer from ovarian cancer like my grandmother did. 

To donate to Kaitlyn, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, James!

My best friend’s mom passed away in September of 2022 to ovarian cancer after fighting for about 8 years. I considered her my aunt not because we are related, but because she was like a second mom to me. She was one of those truly special individuals. Every person that had her in their life was blessed to have known her and we were all so lucky to have her fight for those extra years. We all miss her very much! Additionally, last year it was an amazing experience running for Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® in the 2023 NYC Half Marathon. It was great to hear other team members’ stories to just shine more light on others effected by ovarian cancer. The team makes you feel like you’re part of something larger than just your individual fundraising, goals, and the physical run. 

I have several goals for the NYC Half Marathon. First, raise as much money as possible for ovarian cancer research. Second, promote a ton of awareness on social media. Lastly, finish the race with a sub 10min mile pace.

Running is your own time and space to have an inner thought process and conversation with yourself. In addition, I love to take in the surroundings whether it’s the NYC skyline, or just the foliage on trees in the suburbs.

Aunt Marypat, we all love you so much. You raised one incredible family, and we know you’re looking down over us in heaven. Thank you for being a loving second mom and for always bringing happiness into the world.

Aunt Marypat easily made the best chocolate chip cookies on the planet.

To donate to James, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Henry!

I heard of Tell Every Amazing Lady® via social media and word of mouth in the past, but I first got involved in the fall of 2022. My mother, Mary Pat, had recently passed away after battling ovarian cancer for 8 years, and my friend suggested we sign up with Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® for the upcoming NYC Half Marathon. I thought it would be a great opportunity to find some therapy in running, while also raising money and awareness for an incredible organization whose mission means so much to me. Not only was completing the 2023 NYC Half a great personal achievement for myself, but on top of that, Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® was able to raise a significant amount of money for ovarian cancer research and awareness. I had such a wonderful experience working with Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®, meeting the team, and making some noise about ovarian cancer, both on and off the course!

My goal for the half marathon is to raise as much money & awareness as possible for Tell Every Amazing Lady® in order to provide support for those currently battling ovarian cancer, as well as survivors, caregivers, and the families of those affected. Having witnessed my own “Amazing Lady” battle ovarian cancer for as long as she did, I understand the hardships that many have gone through, are going through, and will go through. If I can make a positive difference in their lives, even in the smallest way possible, I’ll consider my efforts a great success.

What I love most about running isn’t the physical act of running at all, but the mental challenge that it provides. Running has never been my favorite activity, but I’ve always enjoyed the process of cultivating my mental strength to run farther and faster than I think I can. 13.1 miles is a long way, but the motivation to provide support and inspiration for those that need it the most, all while honoring my mom, will certainly push me to keep going.

If I had the power to make a difference in one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be awareness. Too many women are often diagnosed with ovarian cancer when the disease is already in its advanced stages. Because it is still so difficult to diagnose, it is imperative that women are as aware, educated, and proactive as they can be as early as possible. If we can make some noise about the signs, symptoms, and best resources for early detection, we can help to increase the survival rate of this deadly disease, and ultimately save lives

To donate to Henry, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Darleen!

My mother was first diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in 2011. We looked for an organization that supported women diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and their families, but really couldn’t find many resources. We found a group in New Jersey, which while very helpful, was far. We continued to look and found Tell Every Amazing Lady®. Tell Every Amazing Lady® is an amazing organization! My mother found so much support bonding with her “sisters” and loved the weekly Wednesday mediation groups. In February 2022 when we learned my mother would need to begin in-home hospice and I was eight months pregnant, we reached out to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and they linked my sister, dad, and I to amazing services and sent care packages. Even after my mother passed, they have been in touch with us and provided support and strength. 

My goal in running the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half is to honor the legacy of my mother and her memory. The Half is on the two-year anniversary of her passing. Last year, as it was the first anniversary, I spent the morning in bed crying and listening to sad songs that made me think of her. While I needed to do that last year to get through the day, this year I want to do something special and productive to honor my mother. I could think of no better way than to do that by running for her and raising money for an organization that she loved, and that is helping so many women and their families. 

Running has been a passion of mine for years. I don’t really think of myself as athletic (I’ve never been particularly at sports), but with running it’s just you against you. I just get lost in my thoughts and listening to music. In a lot of ways, it’s extremely therapeutic. 

I am running for my special lady, my mother. I just want her to know that she is a warrior! She fought so hard and is the strongest woman I know! I am so lucky she is mine!

Ovarian Cancer is the 5th cause of cancer related deaths in women and the number 1 cause of gynecologic cancer deaths. There is no effective way to screen for Ovarian Cancer. Early detection is key to fighting the disease, but often very difficult to do. Tell Every Amazing Lady® is helping the Ovarian Cancer community in so many ways. It helps those diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, and their families. As Ovarian Cancer is not a diagnosis often discussed, it doesn’t always receive the financial support as other conditions. Tell Every Amazing Lady® can benefit greatly from your support. Please consider donating to an amazing cause. 

To donate to Darleen, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Danielle!

On March 17th, I’m running the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon with my friend, Maria. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at stage three and has had a myriad of chemo treatments, major surgery, and trial drugs since then. I have never met and never will meet a stronger woman than her. She has the most positive and optimistic attitude about it all. She shows up at the gym to work out even through treatments. (Even at the ungodly hour, 5:15am!). She recently started a new job, continues to support her family, works out and goes on about her life, with no complaints, even on her worst feeling days. She has shown me the true meaning of strength and true meaning of being unstoppable. I’m so excited and honored to be running alongside her and Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®.

We became aware and involved with Tell Every Amazing Lady® around 2022. My friend was diagnosed with ovarian cancer that year. She researched and found Tell Every Amazing Lady®. We wanted to be involved with every amazing lady going through the same health struggles.

 My goal for NYC half is to be present and grateful, to take in the camaraderie of running with Tell Every Amazing Lady®, the support of family, friends and strangers cheering us on. It’s the greatest gift to be able to exercise, to move, to run. I want to be fully present and feeling gratitude for the full 13 miles.

Running has always been a challenge for me. Two years ago, I started running and I couldn’t get past 2 miles for a long time. Only a year after I started training, I ran the NYC Marathon. I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for myself. I feel unstoppable. Anyone can do anything they want if you believe you can! 

To donate to Danielle, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Blair!

Hi, my name is Blair I am 16 and a junior in high school. I decided to start to run to learn to push myself and persevere through races and even training. I run for my high school, where we won our league championship, where I got first place. Mainly I am a long-distance runner, and my main events are 3200m and 5000m. I hope to improve over the next two years to continue running in college and achieve more of my goals. I am running the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon to promote Tell Every Amazing Lady® and to run for a good cause. I think knowing while racing the importance of running for Tell Every Amazing Lady® will help me push through the 13.1 miles.

To donate to Blair, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today.

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Ariana!

Hi, my name is Ariana, and I am running for all the people who are enduring something much greater than running 13 miles in some discomfort. Those people are the true inspirations and the true heroes, and I will be running for you, because you inspire me. It is a privilege to be able to move my body and feel the pavement beneath my feet. I am running this race for all the people who aren’t physically able to run themselves.

To donate to Ariana, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Oriana!

half oriana

I heard of the race through social media and I knew that I wanted an organization that supported ovarian cancer in support of my grandmother Susan Weller, and when I saw T.E.A.L.® with the name and everything it stood for, it just simply struck a chord with me. I knew this was a foundation I wanted to be a part of for not just this race, but for its community. 

I have been wanting to run this race for a very long time and I have a lot of drive and determination to focus on training. My goal is to do the race to the best of my ability and spread awareness for ovarian cancer and T.E.A.L.® with everything I have to offer.

Simply, I love the feeling of running. When I first started running it was during the summer as a camp counselor during their Race for the Arts. I had heard of the race before but never participated so I chose to do so to promote and show my support to my camp along with my campers. The first time I did it I had no idea that I had the ability to do something like that and having the amount of love and support that I had felt just that much greater. Now with this race I know the feeling is going to be greater than ever. I feel accomplished with everything I have been preparing for and hope it all follows through as planned.

If I could send a message to one amazing lady, I would tell my grandmother how much I loved and cared for her and that I hope she sees what I’m doing to continue her legacy. I just know that if she knew I was doing this race she’d be doing it right alongside me and that’s what I’m going to be thinking about while doing it. Also, to every amazing lady, participating in this race or not, I want to do you all proud.


You can help Oriana reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Maya!


Three of my friends – Nika, James, and Henry – are also running the United Airlines NYC Half and they encouraged me to run with them and T.E.A.L.®. I am so happy to be running for such a wonderful organization!

Prior to training for the United Airlines NYC Half, I was never a long distance runner but always wanted to try. I was always active but haven’t had an athletic goal in a while. Running the half seemed like the perfect way to try long distance running, work towards an athletic goal and make a charitable impact.  My goal is to finish the race with my friends and feel that I did my best!

I train with my best friend. I love seeing the progress we have been making.  I couldn’t run more than 4 miles this time last year. Now we finish an 8-mile run and it feels amazing. Just being able to share such a cool experience and getting so much stronger with a friend has been amazing.

If I had the power to change one thing related to ovarian cancer, I would want to spread more awareness about the disease itself. I think that there is not enough education about the signs and symptoms of ovarian and other cancers that are incredibly important to know. I wish women all had access to comprehensive medical care so that cases could be detected sooner (and this extends beyond ovarian cancer as well).

I hope that these fundraising efforts help at least one person. If even one woman can be helped from the money we raised during this half – whether this means early detection, help with medical care or finding a cure – it will be worth every mile.

You can help Maya reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Sydney!


When exploring the charity partners of the United Airlines NYC Half, I was excited to see T.E.A.L.® listed and honored by the opportunity to run with the team. Ovarian cancer awareness and research is near and dear to my heart after losing a loved one to ovarian cancer a few years ago. Her motto both in her battle with cancer and in living her life was “choose joy,” so I run in celebration of this life I’ve been given.

It brings me great joy to have the physical ability to do hard things, like distance running, and even more joy to be able to do this in memory of someone I love.

Raising awareness about early detection, especially listening to your body, is so important. I’m grateful to play a small part in bringing some awareness about ovarian cancer by running and fundraising for T.E.A.L.®. 


You can help Sydney reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Solange!


I became involved with T.E.A.L.® six years ago after the passing of my mother due to ovarian cancer. At that moment I didn’t know that an ovarian cancer foundation was located in Brooklyn. I reached out immediately and embraced the message of hope and awareness which has become a message that I share with everyone. Attending meetings, volunteering and supporting T.E.A.L.® made me feel close to my mother’s memory.

This will be my second time running the United Airlines NYC Half for T.E.A.L.®.  It’s an honor to represent all those affected by this disease. Running for me can be a challenge at times, but I love running and for me it is a way of de-stressing and having fun!

I wish I had the POWER to end this disease and end the pain that this illness brings. I would like to tell all the AMAZING LADIES out there, that they are not alone in this battle, that we are here to support you, and to care for and love you every step of the way! 

This RUN is for my mother, I MISS YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY. I love you so much and I wish that I could embrace you one more time!

You can help Solange reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Sofia!


I became involved with T.E.A.L.® when I ran the half marathon last year with them.

My goal for the United Airlines NYC Half is to finish in two hours and fifteen minutes.

What I love about running is that it is my ‘me’ time; I can just put music on and let my mind wander and just process.

If I had the power to make a difference or change in one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be to mandate awareness in high school health classes.

To every amazing lady: There is no way to compare peoples’ experiences with one another, however we can all make the conscious choice to support each other. Always send positive energy to everyone who needs a little sunshine in their day! #womensupportwomen

Come cheer us on March 19th!


You can help Sofia reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Jason!


I became involved with T.E.A.L.® in 2016 shortly after the passing of my mother-in-law from ovarian cancer.

My goal in the United Airlines NYC Half is to support my wife who will be running with me; to raise awareness; and to generate support and attention around ovarian cancer and the efforts of T.E.A.L.®.

While I have always been an athlete, I have never been a ‘runner’ and this will be my first half marathon. That said, I have supported my wife through two half marathons and a full marathon and look forward to sharing this challenge with her.

If I had the power to make a in one thing related to ovarian cancer, I would promote greater attention to and knowledge around the importance of early detection.

To my mother-in-law: you are forever in our thoughts. We miss you and love you and will continue to do all that we can to honor your memory through fundraising efforts and our support of T.E.A.L.®


You can help Jason reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Jolanta!


After gaining the strength back from being diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2022, I wanted to give back and be a part of a community of individuals who have gone through a similar experience. I truly wanted to make a difference in some way! I researched charities and came across T.E.A.L.®. I was thrilled to see that they are one of the incredible fundraising partners for the United Airlines NYC Half Marathon. Growing up in New York, I felt like this was meant to be and something I just had to be a part of to spread awareness.

My goal for the United Airlines NYC Half is not to be the fastest but to cross that finish line and be surrounded by the city’s energy and support from friends and family. This would be the greatest victory after an incredibly difficult year, to run with such a strong group.

Running is physically exhausting but mentally and emotionally recharging! It creates an opportunity to push myself and reflect on everything else going on.

If I had the power to make a difference regarding one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be to let women know to listen to your body and don’t ignore symptoms! Your gut feeling is usually correct – if it feels off it probably is. Make that doctor’s appointment!

To every amazing lady: Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.

Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.

You can help Jolanta reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Lamisa!


I wanted to run for a charity that personally meant a lot to me. I had a family member who was affected with ovarian cancer and wished they had the resources we do now and were educated about the signs and symptoms for early detection. I came across T.E.A.L.® when looking for a fulfilling purpose to run the United Airlines NYC Half through New York Road Runners.

My goal is to finish the half marathon and raise $1,000 for T.E.A.L.®.

I love that running is so accessible. Almost anyone can do it and pick it up at some point in their lives. All they need is some good shoes and a road or trail. I was reading a book, Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, in which he states that humans are the only bipeds who are able to run for long periods of time. Although we may not be faster than other animals, we can run for the longest. That really inspired me to start running again because I wanted to see what my body was fully capable of endurance-wise. In a race like a marathon, I think it inspires so many people because while we are celebrating human bodies and fitness, we also come together to run for different personal causes which motivated us to run in the first place.

If I could change something related to ovarian cancer, It definitely would be to raise more awareness! According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer ranks fifth in cancers with the highest mortality rates amongst women. There have been advancements in things like targeted therapy and chemotherapy to treat those affected. Early detection efforts increase when there is more awareness and early detection is key when treating ovarian cancer to reduce mortality rates. 

My message for every amazing lady would be to take care of yourselves. We may have busy lives and be told to ignore or brush aside some signs or symptoms but you know your body best. If there is something that arises that you think is a valid concern, please see a doctor or professional.

I just wanted to say that this is my first official half marathon and I am proud to be representing T.E.A.L.®!


You can help Lamisa reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Peter!


I learned about T.E.A.L.® from friends.

My charity goal for the United Airlines NYC Half is to raise $3k. I’m tying fundraising as incentive to achieve personal goal – getting back in shape, running it in 1 hour 45 minutes. I gave donors the power to influence my goal pace – the more they donate, I run at a faster pace.

I love that running is a personal challenge.

If I had the power to make a difference in one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be more widespread early detection best practices and technologies.

To every amazing lady fighting ovarian cancer: Continue being hopeful, we are making progress in this race against ovarian cancer every day. We are thinking about you in all we do.

My introduction to ovarian cancer came from a professional setting when I consulted for an oncology drug manufacturer in the OC space. Though a professional context, it was hard not to be touched personally by the stories and strength I heard from the OC fighters. And thus, it didn’t feel like any other work, it felt more critical. From seeing the progress from the treatment side, I became hopeful that OC fighters will continue to receive better care. There’s more to do, but know that there is an army of people working from all angles – prevention, screening, treatment – supporting you, making care better and better. So keep up hope, help is coming.


You can help Peter reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Michael!


One of my wife’s best friends is a longtime friend of Pamela (the CEO and co-founder of T.E.A.L.®).  We were introduced to Pamela at a T.E.A.L.® party in New York we both attended and got to know her and the cause of her foundation. From then, we attended local fundraisers and events in New York, and the Savannah T.E.A.L.® Walk to raise money.  

I am so excited to run this race again and in person! This year my goal is to break two hours with our T.E.A.L.® teammate and first-time half marathon runner Marc Lieberman!

I love running with friends and celebrating the accomplishment after crossing the finish line. Also, there is no better way to see a city than running on 13 miles of its streets. 

If I had the power to make a difference in one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be to raise awareness and provide resources to educate women about signs, symptoms and early detection.

To every amazing lady: Educate yourself about ovarian cancer, take the precautionary measures, and talk to your doctor.

I am very proud to be raising money for such a great cause!

You can help Michael reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Nika!


I became involved in T.E.A.L.® when one of my best friend’s moms passed away this year due to ovarian cancer. She was one of the most loved individuals and left such an impact on everyone who was lucky enough to know her. When I found out about T.E.A.L.®, it was the perfect way to honor her legacy and support all the other amazing ladies who have battled it.

My goal for the United Airlines NYC Half is to raise as much money as possible for ovarian cancer research and spread awareness of this amazing organization. I want to go out there with my best friends and make Mary Pat proud by running a fast race and having a blast while doing it!

My favorite thing about running is the “runners high” you get during it and the mental clarity it brings you. It is an amazing tool for reliving stress and anxiety. It also allows me to explore amazing places whether it be the streets of NYC or a different country!

If I had the power to change one thing related to ovarian cancer, I would love to provide better access and awareness to early detection procedures and develop a screening test specific to ovarian cancer.

The message I would like to send to Mary Pat is that she is so unbelievably loved and has left an amazing legacy. She has raised the most wonderful family and everyone is beyond lucky to have the rest of the Mulhollands in their lives. To all the other amazing ladies – you are absolute warriors and inspirations to each and every one of us!

Thank you!


You can help Nika reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Michelle!

I learned of T.E.A.L.® from longtime supporter, Mr. Marshall, who hosts a yearly girl’s night out event and donates proceeds to T.E.A.L.®. Mr. Marshall is a big advocate of what Tell Every Amazing Lady® does. Additionally, Global Wellness (@glblwellness), arranged an interview with Pamela and I attended. Upon visiting the office and hearing more, I was excited about what T.E.A.L.® does as far as spreading awareness and supporting patients, survivors, and families.

My goal is to complete the Half Marathon. I currently run/jog/speedwalk a 15-minute mile. Completing 13 miles at that pace would bring me joy.

Running is not only good for my physical health, but it is calming and gives me an opportunity to run off my emotions. I also find it challenging as well as rewarding to meet my running goals.

If I had the power to make a change in one thing related to ovarian cancer, I would make genetic testing a mandatory test for every woman in the world and a covered test by all health insurances.

Please pay attention to your body for signs and symptoms, early detection saves lives, know your risk, and get the support you need.

I am delighted that T.E.A.L.® provides the necessary support for ovarian cancer patients and their families. I like that T.E.A.L.® is a community-based organization that gives that at-home feel, making each person who interacts with their company feel comfortable.

You can help Michelle reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner James!


My best friend’s mom passed away this past September to ovarian cancer after fighting for about eight years. I considered her my aunt not because we are related, but because she was like a second mom to me. She was one of those truly special individuals. Every person that had her in their life was blessed to have known her and we were all so lucky to have her fight for those extra years. We will all miss her very much!

I have several goals for the United Airlines NYC Half. First, raise as much money as possible for ovarian cancer research. Second, promote a ton of awareness on social media. Third, support my best friend in his training after these tough last few months. Lastly, finish the race with a sub 10-minute mile pace.
What I love about running is that it’s your own time and space to have an inner thought process and conversation with yourself. In addition, I love to take in the surroundings, whether its the NYC skyline or just the foliage on trees in the suburbs.

If I had the power to make a difference in one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be early detection, which corresponds in a way with raising awareness.

Aunt Marypat, we all love you so much. You raised one incredible family and we know you’re looking down over us in heaven.

One last thing that I would share with T.E.A.L.® readers is: Aunt Marypat made easily the best chocolate chip cookies on the planet.


You can help James reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Henry!


I had heard of T.E.A.L.® via social media and word of mouth, but it wasn’t until a conversation with my friend Danielle Stefania that I decided to get involved. We were having dinner one night shortly after the NYC 2022 Marathon and were inspired by all of the accomplished runners. Danielle, having recently lost her aunt to ovarian cancer, mentioned that we could run and fundraise for T.E.A.L.® in the upcoming United Airlines NYC Half. My mom had also recently passed away from her battle with ovarian cancer, so the idea of getting out there, raising money and spreading awareness for the disease felt like a no-brainer.

Besides crossing the finish line, my goal for the half marathon is to raise as much money as possible for T.E.A.L.® in order to provide support for those currently battling ovarian cancer, as well as survivors, caregivers, and the families of those affected. Having witnessed my own “Amazing Lady” battle ovarian cancer for as long as she did, I understand the hardships that many have gone through, are going through, and will go through. If I can make a positive difference in their lives, even in the smallest way possible, I’ll consider my efforts a great success.

I think what I love most about running isn’t really the act of running at all, but the mental challenge that it can provide. Running has never been my favorite activity, but I’ve always enjoyed the process of cultivating my mental strength in order to run farther and faster than I think I can. This race will certainly be the furthest distance I’ve covered in my humble running career, but I know that I’ll be able to reach the finish line with the support of both T.E.A.L.® as well as my friends and family. Additionally, the motivation to provide support and inspiration for those that need it the most, all while honoring my mom, will certainly push me to keep going.

If I had the power to make a difference in one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be awareness. Too many women are often diagnosed with ovarian cancer when the disease is already in its advanced stages. Because it is still so difficult to diagnose, it is imperative that women are as aware, educated and proactive as they can be as early as possible. If we can make some noise about the signs, symptoms, and best resources for early detection, we can help to increase the survival rate of this deadly disease, and ultimately save lives.

This is not a battle you can fight alone. It is so important to lean on your family friends as a source of strength and courage.

I’d like everyone to know how hard my mom fought her battle with ovarian cancer. She never once complained and instead chose to face the disease with humility and grace. She is truly my hero, and I am honored to run this race for her.

You can help Henry reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Tricia!


I became interested in T.E.A.L.® when my dear friend Dena was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer in August of 2020. She was given a 20% chance of survival. She endured grueling chemo treatments and horrible side effects, but she preserved and is cancer free today. She is a true hero!

Running is something I’ve enjoyed for years. Besides just the cardio and fitness benefits, it gives me a chance to enjoy the fresh air and let my mind relax. I’ll think about my day or future plans or I’ll just pray as I run.

My goal for the half marathon is to have fun and hopefully finish in just under two hours.

If I could change anything relating to ovarian cancer it would be to a way to have early detection. If there was a simple test or scan that every woman could receive each year, so many lives could be saved. 

My message to all women is that you are amazing and so special. My friend, Dena is an inspiration and I’m so proud of her!!!!


You can help Tricia reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Marc!


I became involved with T.E.A.L.® through my great friend and colleague Michael Ferraro. We were chatting about my newfound running hobby and he mentioned the United Airlines NYC Half and T.E.A.L.® charity and I was all-in. A great cause and new experience for me!

My goal is to be in the best running shape of my life and enjoy the whole experience. I have a 2-hour goal in mind but I’ll be most happy to complete my first half marathon, raise awareness for T.E.A.L.® and meet some great new people along the way.
I love how running “quiets” my head and often helps me think more clearly. It’s an activity that when completed, makes me feel better about my day and what was accomplished.

If I had the power to make a difference related to ovarian cancer, I would want to increase awareness, funding and research. And hopefully a cure is discovered as a result.  
Every amazing lady has the power to inspire others with their courage, positive attitude, and bravery.

I’m honored to be on the team!!!


You can help Marc reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.


Meet 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Runner Danielle!


I became involved with T.E.A.L.® this past year. My Aunt Eileen had been fighting ovarian cancer for five years, until she passed away in October. Only then did I learn of how much comfort and support she received from T.E.A.L.® and the great work they were doing. I knew I had to help in any way I could to Tell Every Amazing Lady®!

My goal 2023 United Airlines NYC Half is to raise money for and awareness about ovarian cancer research and T.E.A.L.®, to give back and thank them for all they did for my Aunt Eileen.

To be honest, I’m not the biggest runner. However, I have come to love running as a celebration of what our bodies can do and the opportunity it provides to be outside with nature (especially in the city) for a while.

I wish there was more awareness around the symptoms and a better screening process for ovarian cancer. Many women are diagnosed too late because there’s no proper screening for ovarian cancer and symptoms can present themselves so similarly to G.I. issues that they are brushed under the rug.  

I’d like to tell all the amazing ladies who are battling/have battled ovarian cancer that we will keep fighting with them and for them – for better research, screening, awareness, and attention.

Please share these resources with everyone; every little bit counts!


You can help Danielle reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® 2022 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner Kendra!

A group of women that I run with decided that we should all enter our names into the [United Airlines NYC Half] lottery, and 5 out of 7 got a spot, but my friend Eileen and I did not. She told me that we could fundraise and I said I would look into it and see if I found a charity that spoke to me, and that is how I found T.E.A.L.®.

Honestly, finishing the half marathon is my goal. A good time would be nice too! 

What I love most about running is the feeling of accomplishment after you push yourself out of your comfort zone.

I would love to be able to make genetic testing more accessible for all women, not just those with a family history of ovarian cancer.

If I could share a message to every amazing lady, I would say: Please don’t wait – if you are experiencing symptoms, please go to your doctor. My mother was so swollen and yet she waited rather than getting checked out right away thinking she was having stomach issues. 

Support Kendra and Tell Every Amazing Lady® at her fundraiser here!

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® 2022 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner Allison!

I started running with one goal in mind – to represent ovarian cancer. After not receiving a bib for the marathon on my own terms, I began looking at the charities listed. T.E.A.L.®’s logo was staring at me, and I knew it was a sign that, “Here’s my chance.”

Most people would say their goal for any marathon would be just to finish. Although that thought crossed my mind, my ultimate goal is to do this for my friend and her family. I want her legacy to continue to live on, and I want her story to reach as many young ladies as possible. My hope is that through this race I can do just that, and raise as much money as possible for T.E.A.L.®.

Let me start by introducing you to my friend, Brittany Kelly. Brittany was well known in the golf community here in Indiana and around the U.S. She set and achieved goals like no one I’ve ever known. Even to this day, as I read articles about her, it’s incredible to see how many people her story touched even though they never got a chance to physically meet her.

I guess what I love most about running is maybe what Brittany loved most about golf; It’s about the game and the people you meet along the way. Pushing yourself, individually speaking, to reach that next opportunity or goal. Setting out on the golf course, or in my case road, and leaving every ounce of who you are out there. Be a fierce, yet graceful, competitor just like B. Encourage those around me and beyond, to set out and just try it. Whatever it is you want to begin, to know that it’s a journey and not a sprint. I’m not running to be the best runner, I’m running to be the best form of me I can be.

Honestly, if I could change anything related to ovarian cancer, it would be to know before you know. Isn’t that everyone’s dream when it comes to a life-altering disease? To know the signs better and to watch for things more closely. Sadly, Britt’s story makes me sit back and take more control of my own body. Be mindful of every inch, and when things are even slightly off, to ask and seek advice. Nothing is ever minor when it comes to our health and discovering something as life-changing as cancer.

Whether you’re deep in the trenches of ovarian cancer or know someone who is battling, just know that there are many of us that stand with you. Brittany would have wanted you to know that she stands with you, she never backed down, so she wouldn’t want you to either. Be a gracious teacher, like B, share your story and you’ll be amazed at who it impacts.

A few of B.K.’s life lessons: Life is about how you treat people…”repeat”. Everyone has problems and struggles in life. It’s how you respond to them that makes all the difference in the world.

In closing, I just want to “thank you” for reading my story. I’m grateful I can do this for B and for all of you who are impacted by ovarian cancer. B didn’t just golf for herself, she golfed so she could teach and inspire. I’ll do my best to achieve that same goal with running.

Support Allison and Tell Every Amazing Lady® at her fundraiser here!

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® 2022 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner Kate!

I became aware of T.E.A.L.® around 2016, when I underwent genetic counseling and found out that I carried the BRCA 1 gene mutation.  I have a family history of both breast and ovarian cancers, so was keen to get involved with an organization that was focused on ovarian cancer research and awareness.  I have done a number of the annual T.E.A.L.® 5k races in Brooklyn (pre-pandemic) and T.E.A.L.®’s mission is critical to bringing more awareness to these issues. 

My goal for the 2022 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon is to finish! Kidding aside, this will be my third year participating in the NYC Half and I am thrilled to be representing Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® for 13.1 miles.

I love the mental focus running brings me by just putting one foot in front of the other; I also love the camaraderie it creates with other runners and the chance to be outside through all seasons of the year.

If I had the power to make a difference or change in one thing related to ovarian cancer, finding a cure would certainly be top of my list but short of that, it would be to find a reliable mechanism/test for early detection.

If I could share a message to every amazing lady about ovarian cancer, it would be: Together, we are stronger.

Support Kate and Tell Every Amazing Lady® at her fundraiser here!

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® 2022 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner Sofia!

My friend’s mother had ovarian cancer and became involved with T.E.A.L.®. Over the years I’ve known her, I’ve seen her fundraise for T.E.A.L.® and support their cause. Her drive and passion inspired me to say ‘Count me in!’ when she mentioned the half marathon.

I’ve always loved running and this is a welcome challenge I’ve never taken on before. Being a first timer, I’d like to complete the half marathon in 2 hours.

I’d like to fundraise between $1,000-$1,500 for T.E.A.L.®. Go team!

Running is my me time – I can just plug in my headphones and let my mind wander. Also, it’s a great way for me to get out all my extra energy!

If I could change one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be awareness. It’s so common to hear about breast cancer and many types of other cancers, but ovarian cancer has such a small voice on the world stage – yet it affects so many women. Let’s raise our voices and say it loud and proud for all the amazing ladies out there!

My message for every amazing lady would be: “I admire your fight and your courage!”

At a time where Covid has so greatly impacted each of us in a variety of ways, created so much instability in so many realms of our lives – from financial, mental, emotional, physical – I think this is just a taste of the uncertainty that ladies with ovarian cancer feel and have felt. It’s given me perspective and clarity on what is really important to myself in my life – family, friends, my health. Thank you for all your inspiration!

Support Sofia and Tell Every Amazing Lady® at her fundraiser here!

Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® 2022 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner Solange!

I became involved with T.E.A.L® in 2017, within a year of my mother passing away with ovarian cancer. Inspired by the messages of hope and the support of the T.E.A.L® community, I realized right away that T.E.A.L® would be an opportunity for me to heal while also giving back to others in need. Over the past five years I have volunteered for the T.E.A.L® Walk/Run. I have supported the Turn the Towns Teal™ ribbon-tying in Brooklyn and I have raised money through my organization by bringing workshops and fundraising opportunities.

My goal for the 2022 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon is to enjoy the run with the crowds and run faster. 

Running for me is comforting and challenging as well, bringing me a great sense of pride and joy at the end of each run.

If I had the power to change one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be to improve early detection and find a cure.

My message for every amazing lady is, “You’re not in this battle alone. There is a community of T.E.A.L® around you. Mom, I love you and miss you and know that you will always be right by my side.”

T.E.A.L® has given hope and courage to so many people and loved ones dealing with ovarian cancer. My journey to heal as a daughter of T.E.A.L® will never be easy, but I know that I am surrounded by a community that understands me, recognizes my grief and encourages my prosperity. Thank you to everyone involved with T.E.A.L®.

Support Solange and Tell Every Amazing Lady® at her fundraiser here!