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What Every Amazing Lady in your life needs to know about Ovarian Cancer

Theodora Blanchfield, also known as the “Preppy Runner”, recently published a piece  about the importance of knowing the early signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer. Also known as the “silent killer”, ovarian cancer will claim 14,000 women’s lives this year alone.  Only 15 percent of cases are caught at Stage 1. As Theodora reminds readers “knowing the risk factors and signs can help you make important lifestyle and screening choices that can help reduce your risk.” The article discusses different ways to assess risk, as well as currently available treatments for those recently diagnosed. There is a video of Theodora and her mother discussing their journey from diagnosis through treatment- and the importance of an active lifestyle. One of the ways both mother and daughter would stay active was by participating in the T.E.A.L.® Walk/Run each year! When asked “What do you want to Tell Every Amazing Lady”, her mother responded “I want to tell them to never give up”. To read the full article and see the full video, you can visit



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