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Tell Every Amazing Lady® Receives $200,000 Grant Award from Direct Relief’s Fund for Health Equity

[Brooklyn], [New York], Feb. 29, 2024— Tell Every Amazing Lady® today announced it is among
the awardees across the United States that received a grant from Direct Relief’s Fund for Health
Equity, which mobilizes financial resources for organizations focused on non-clinical
interventions that affect a person’s health. Commonly known as the social determinants of
health, these factors include an individual’s physical, social, political, cultural, and economic

“This latest round of more than $7 million in grants, made possible by generous support from
MacKenzie Scott, the AbbVie Foundation, and Eli Lilly and Company, is the most recent infusion
of funding for organizations deeply committed to eliminating health disparities and improving
healthcare quality in their communities”, said Dr. Byron Scott, Direct Relief COO and Co-Chair of
the Fund for Health Equity. “Direct Relief is proud to support and grateful for the work they do
every day.”

Tell Every Amazing Lady® received $200,000 from the Fund for Health Equity for its work to
increase access to healthcare services in underserved communities.

Tell Every Amazing Lady® plans to collaborate with the Weill Cornell Medicine Meyer
Cancer Center at New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital and the Center for
Community Health at NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
. Throughout the
grant period, we hope to eliminate health disparities by increasing enrollment of patients
from underrepresented communities diagnosed with gynecologic cancers into clinical trials
and improving compliance with recommended treatment by helping them overcome
barriers of cost, fear, and misinformation. Enhancing patient navigation will be a part of
fulfilling this grant to help achieve more equitable cancer care.

The awardees were selected by the Fund for Health Equity’s Advisory Council, which includes
the following members:

 Co-Chair Regina Benjamin, MD, MBA, 18th US Surgeon General of the United States,
Founder Bayou Clinic, Inc.
 Co-Chair Byron Scott, MD, MBA, Direct Relief COO
 Martha Dawson, DNP, MSN, RN, FACHE, President and CEO President of the National
Black Nurses Association, Associate Professor at the University of Alabama at
 Jane Delgado, Ph.D., MS, President and CEO of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health
 Gail Small, JD, Head Chief Woman, a citizen of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe

“We are pleased to support the essential work of Tell Every Amazing Lady® and other
grassroots organizations striving to reduce disparities and increase equity in vulnerable
populations across the United States,” said Dr. Byron Scott, MD, MBA, Co-Chair of the Fund for
Health Equity and COO of Direct Relief. “It is a privilege to promote and support these
organizations that are deeply connected to the communities they serve, know best what their
patients and communities need, and the most effective means of providing it.”

Read more here.

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