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Volunteer Night in Prospect Park

T.E.A.L. attended a Volunteer Night at the YMCA in Park Slope, Brooklyn! Members of T.E.A.L. shared information with the public on important upcoming events, as well as what our goal is as an organization. The members of T.E.A.L. also shared ovarian cancer symptoms with the public and explained why everyone should be aware of the disease. We met many people in the community and gained a lot of new volunteers as well.

People of all ages stopped at the T.E.A.L. Volunteer table eager to learn more about our organization. We met presidents of other local volunteer organizations, as well as Ovarian Cancer survivors that were interested in becoming a part of T.E.A.L. A special thank you to Assembly Member Jim Brennan for organizing this great event and for giving T.E.A.L. the opportunity to reach out to the public and promote Ovarian Cancer awareness. We look forward to attending again next year!

To let T.E.A.L. know about an upcoming event, contact us at!

T.E.A.L. volunteer Sarah Taylor with Assembly Member Jim Brennan.

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