–Register to Walk or Run 2 Miles
T.E.A.L.® is hosting its first ever Virtual ONLY Walk/Run, called T.E.A.L.®’s World Ovarian Cancer Day Virtual Walk/Run, on May 8th – World Ovarian Cancer Day – to raise awareness about the disease and bring the community together virtually. Registration is $15.

Our programs, which serve ovarian cancer patients and survivors, are in jeopardy, at a time when these women need our help the most.

-Follow and share on social media
Follow @TellEveryAmazingLady and @TEALWalk. Help us raise awareness about ovarian cancer on May 8th by sharing our social media posts, or wear teal and post a pic with our hashtags:
#TellEveryAmazingLady #ovariancancer #tealwalk #WOCD2020
Tag our channels:
•Facebook/telleveryamazinglady •Facebook/tealwalk •Twitter •Instagram
-Change your Facebook profile picture
You can also raise awareness by choosing our Facebook frame to use on YOUR profile picture.
Here’s how: Click on your profile picture to update it, and then click on Add Frame. Search for Tell Every Amazing Lady® to find our lip frame for Ovarian Cancer Awareness.