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T.E.A.L.® Was Amazing This September!

This September T.E.A.L.® celebrated its 15th year anniversary! T.E.A.L.® was extremely busy the entire month of September. T.E.A.L.® lit NYC the color teal with four building monument lightings throughout the month, which included Coney Island’s Luna Park Parachute Jump, Bronx County Courthouse, NY City Hall, and The Municipal building. T.E.A.L.® hosted 3 different awareness walks in three different cities and states; Brooklyn, NY, Litchfield, CT, and Savannah, GA. We turned Brooklyn teal by tying teal-colored ribbons on trees along Myrtle Avenue, 5th Avenue, and Flatbush Avenue. T.E.A.L.® also participated in several awareness events throughout the month including a series of MHG Night Market events. The month was jam packed with awareness and education on the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer! None of this would have been made possible without the help of T.E.A.L.®’s many volunteers and supporters!

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