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T.E.A.L.® To Ring NYSE Closing Bell

T.E.A.L.® is honored to announce that on July 5th, 2017 we will ring the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) closing bell with our T.E.A.L.® board, survivors, staff, volunteers, interns and loyal supporters to promote Ovarian Cancer awareness.

We’re honored for the privilege to promote ovarian cancer on a such a huge worldwide platform. T.E.A.L.® Walk/Runs occur nationally during Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (September). Locally, T.E.A.L. ® is hosting their 6th Annual Ovarian Cancer Awareness Night at Citifield for the 2017 Subway Series on August 17th and is currently preparing for their 9th Annual Brooklyn T.E.A.L.® Walk/Run in Prospect Park on September 9th, 2017. T.E.A.L.® is involved in local community events throughout the year, partnering with schools, hospitals, and other community organizations to Tell Every Amazing Lady®, both near and far about the signs & symptoms.

Don’t forget to add us on Snapchat and Twitter at “tealwalk” to find out more! You should also follow NYSE on Snapchat and at 4pm will be posting live streams and updates. Thank you to the New York Stock Exchange for honoring T.E.A.L.® with this amazing opportunity!

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