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T.E.A.L. Scientific Research Update 2011

T.E.A.L. Research Updates:

Tell Every Amazing Lady gave Dr. Yeung funding through OCRF using $50,000 from the 1stAnnual T.E.A.L. Walk. Dr. Yeung of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has been working to find genetic signatures to predict patient survival and chemo-response.  Dr. Yeung and his team have identified the transcription factor ELF3 as a favorable prognostic marker that can help in the development in new therapeutic regimes.

Over two years Dr. Lin Zhang of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine will use $55,000 that T.E.A.L. provided to OCRF from proceeds of the 2nd Annual T.E.A.L Walk. His research is working to find ways to slow ovarian tumor growth using microRNA.  This research will hopefully lead to microRNA therapies to prevent Ovarian Cancer.

T.E.A.L. is also happy to Announce that Funding from the 3rd Annual T.E.A.L. Walk in 2011 went to Dr. See- Hyong Park’s, PhD study through OCRF and also to the Women’s Cancer Foundation.

Dr. Park of the Stanford University School of Medicine will be working for one year using $75,000 T.E.A.L. provided OCRF, to create new therapies for Ovarian Cancer patients.  He is working to combine a small molecule drug Bepridil and a chemical compound named Olaparib to give Ovarian Cancer patients more effective treatment.  The results of this research will be used to design a clinical trial to treat patients with advanced Ovarian Cancer.

Additionally, the 3rd Annual T.E.A.L. Walk was able to fund $5,000 to the Women’s Cancer Foundation, formerly known as Gynecologic Cancer Foundation.

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