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T.E.A.L.®’s National Life Ice Sponsorship

Special thanks to our National Sponsor Life Ice. Not only will Life Ice be present at our 10th Annual Brooklyn T.E.A.L.® Walk/Run™, but at our T.E.A.L.® Walks in Savannah, GA, Whitesboro, NY, and Litchfield, CT as well. All registrants for our T.E.A.L.® Walks throughout the country will get a chance to see what Life Ice is all about.

In the words of Life Ice’s founder, Paulette Fox; “In Summer 2010, the idea for LifeIce was borne out of recipes I made to comfort, hydrate and nourish my mother, who had been bravely battling ovarian cancer. Doctors suggested giving her ice chips, as it seems many people respond to the soothing cool crunch of ice. And my mother was no different. But, while the ice was hydrating her, it lacked any nutritional value. So, in the family kitchen that I grew up in, using a variety of healthy ingredients, I began blending and then freezing flavorful batches of “nutritional ice chips.” Using ice as a delivery system for nourishment, my mother ate these nutritional ice chips – and only these nutritional ice chips – for the next few weeks. Defying all odds, she stayed with us beyond the doctors’ expectations. Every one of those extra days was a gift that I never imagined I could give.” With an exciting variety of flavors for patients and nonpatients alike, Life Ice has grown exponentially over the past 8 years. Learn more about the different products at Life Ice here.

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