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T.E.A.L.®’s 2015 External Beneficiaries

We are proud to announce our 2015 External Beneficiaries!! For 2015, ®T.E.A.L. supported 4 Medical Research Studies and 2 Survivor Programs in addition to the internal work that ®T.E.A.L. already does locally and nationally throughout the year to promote awareness, education and support for survivors. Visit to view all of ®T.E.A.L.’s external beneficiaries/

Yeshiva University
In 2015, ®T.E.A.L. donated $10,000 to medical research for a BRCA Screening Program for Jewish Genetic Health.

In 2015 ®T.E.A.L. gave OCRF $20,000 to fund research by Dr. Jessica Chacon at the University of Pennsylvania. This study will be investigating the role of immunosuppressive molecules in Ovarian Cancer.

University of Illinois at Chicago
In 2015, ®T.E.A.L. funded a $20,000 research study at University of Illinois at Chicago that is working to determine if re-expression of PAX2 protein in cancer cells can be utilized to reverse or stop cancer progression.

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 
In 2015, ®T.E.A.L. helped fund a study at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai that is aimed at increasing survival and quality of life in women with ovarian cancer by developing new “personalized” biomarkers, replacing CA125 and CT scanning. $30,000 was donated towards this work from ®T.E.A.L.

In 2015, ®T.E.A.L. donated $5000 to support Share’s Ovarian Cancer helpline where callers have the opportunity to speak with a cancer survivor or caregiver to answer questions, discuss treatment options, and aid in making informed decisions. Callers are connected with a peer whose situation is similar to their own or someone to simply listen.

Foundation for Women’s Cancer
In 2015, ®T.E.A.L. donated $15000 in support of an Ovarian Cancer Survivor Course taking place in NYC in 2016.

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