In 2014, T.E.A.L. was proud to support 5 research studies and 2 survivor programs in addition to the internal work that T.E.A.L. already does locally and nationally throughout the year to promote awareness, education and support for survivors.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: In 2014, T.E.A.L. funded a $20,000 study on the mutation landscapes of invasive mucinous ovarian carcinomas.
Stand Up To Cancer’s Ovarian Cancer Dream Team through OCNA: In 2014, T.E.A.L. showed their support of the Stand Up To Cancer Dream Team by donating $5000 to OCNA. The dream team is a collaboration of Stand Up To Cancer, Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, Ovarian Cancer National Alliance and National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.
Massachusetts General Hospital: In 2014, T.E.A.L. supported a research study for $30,000 called Identifying a genomic signature that predicts for recurrence in early stage ovarian cancers.
University of Penn School of Veterinary Medicine /Abramson Cancer Center/ PennVet Working Dog Center: In 2014, T.E.A.L. helped fund studies at PennVet Working Center in which dogs are trained to perform odor detection in human samples from patients with both malignant and benign ovarian cancer. They are achieving a 90% accuracy in identifying cancer plasma vs. normal. $5000 was donated towards this work from T.E.A.L.
OCRF: In 2014, T.E.A.L. donated $30,000 to OCRF help fund a study to be announced in 2015.
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