Tell Every Amazing Lady® has funded research at some of the country’s most prestigious hospitals and institutions. For 2020, we are proud to announce partial funding of the study “Methylomic Landscapes of Ovarian Cancer Precursor Lesions,” led by Professor Tian-Li Wang at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
The goal of the research is to find chemical changes that occur in the DNA of fallopian tube cells of healthy women who are at increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. These changes can dramatically alter how cells act and divide, and may contribute to the development of small precursor lesions, called STICs, that can later become aggressive cancers.
Many women who have not been diagnosed with cancer may already have STIC lesions in their fallopian tubes, especially if they are at increased risk of developing ovarian cancer due to hereditary genetic mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Studies have also indicated that it takes approximately six to seven years for these STICs to progress into invasive ovarian cancer.
Their new technology seeks to detect these markers in a cervical Pap smear (called “PapDREAM” assay) in a highly sensitive and specific way, so they can conduct a future clinical trial to determine the performance of the assay for early detection of ovarian cancer in high-risk women.
Partial funding of this grant was made possible by donations to the Jane Fund.