On October 30th, T.E.A.L.® presented to students and faculty of the Genetic Counseling Department at LIU Post in Long Island. Students from this masters program have been doing a rotation at our T.E.A.L.® Community Center assisting with various projects including updating, and creating new, genetic testing educational materials. We are so happy to form this relationship with a program that is educating future genetic counselors. Speaking to a genetic counselor and understanding your family history/risk is crucial to an ovarian cancer diagnosis. We thank Long Island University Genetic Counseling program director, Monika, and assistant director, Kristina, for arranging this presentation. Also, a big thank you to the students for not only attending the presentation but for interning at our T.E.A.L.® Community Center this semester, we appreciate your knowledge and help!
- Current News
T.E.A.L.® Collaborates with Genetic Counseling Graduate Program at LIU Post
- October 30, 2018