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T.E.A.L CEO Visits Brooklyn College for a Breast and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Event and Receives Appreciation Award

T.E.A.L. CEO and co-founder Pamela Esposito-Amery presented at Brooklyn College on October 16, 2014 in a Breast and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Event. Through her speech, Pamela promoted awareness about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of Ovarian Cancer in addition to sharing informational resources to Brooklyn College attendees and support to students touched by Ovarian Cancer. This event included health insurance options for students and a presentation by a nutritionist who explained how eating healthy fruits and vegetables helps prevent against cancer. Pamela, along with the other presenters, received a Certificate of Appreciation from Brooklyn College Health Programs in the Division of Student Affairs.

Thank you again to the Brooklyn College Heath Programs and student Veronica Chin Hing for organizing this informative event!

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