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T.E.A.L. Celebrated Women’s History Month at City Hall and Brooklyn Borough Hall

Last month, T.E.A.L. was all around New York City celebrating Women’s History Month.
On March 18th, T.E.A.L. attended the annual Women’s History month Celebration at Brooklyn Borough Hall.  At the event, Brooklyn Borough Hall honored outstanding women who are making a difference in the Brooklyn community. T.E.A.L. set up an informational table and gave out awareness and education material to women of the community.
At the end of the month, T.E.A.L. was invited to the New York City Council Women’s Herstory Month Celebration at City Hall. At this event, T.E.A.L. got to meet and interact with some of the most powerful and inspiring women in the NYC community. T.E.A.L. handed out awareness cards and information to attendees.

Contact T.E.A.L. about an upcoming event at

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