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Re-Grand Opening of T.E.A.L.® Community Center

On September 14th, 2017, T.E.A.L.® held a Re-Grand Opening of our T.E.A.L.® Ovarian Cancer Community Center expansion. In 2015, T.E.AL.® moved into 533 16th Street, building an office space into a community center from the ground up. Now, our office space has expanded! Conveniently located right next door to the community center, we remain rooted in Park Slope, Brooklyn. In honor of our Re-Grand Opening and to celebrate Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, the windows were lit teal and volunteers and supporters were invited to learn more about T.E.AL.®’s growth as an organization and our plans for the future.  To learn more about the services offered at our T.E.A.L.® Ovarian Cancer Community Center year round, please visit our Awareness & Education programs page.


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