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NY Genetics Task Force Event at NYU Langone Medical Center

T.E.A.L.® was invited by the New York State Genetics Task Force to attend their quarterly meeting taking place at NYU in Manhattan on April 5th, 2017. T.E.A.L.® was introduced to New York City genetics professionals and gave a short powerpoint presentation about programs T.E.A.L.® has and what types of patients could benefit from T.E.A.L.®. Pamela Esposito-Amery, Melissa Belasoto, and board member Flora Poleschchuk of Myriad Genetics Laboratories also had a table where they displayed and distributed awareness cards, information about our walk, and spoke to attendees about T.E.A.L.®’s work in the community.

Melissa Belasoto & Flora Poleshchuk tabling at NYU


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