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National KIND® Sponsorship

Special thanks to our National Sponsor KIND®, whose products have been donated for all of our T.E.A.L.® Walk/Run events this year!  Not only will they be present at our 9th Annual Walk/Run in Brooklyn, NY but at our T.E.A.L.® Walks in Savannah, GA, Whitesboro, NY and Litchfield, CT as well. All registrants for our T.E.A.L. Walks throughout the country will get a chance to try KIND®’s all natural, preservative free products. KIND® believes that if you can’t pronounce an ingredient, it shouldn’t go into your body or pantry. KIND® products are made from nutritionally dense ingredients like whole nuts, fruits, and whole grains. On a broader scale, KIND® believes in inspiring and celebrating kindness. As a company, KIND®  hopes to foster communities that are healthier, more empathetic and embrace our shared humanity. Learn more about their products and their mission here.

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