Since being diagnosed with ovarian cancer 12 years ago, I have challenged myself to go beyond what I thought I was capable of. I felt as though a door was opened – and I saw that I wasn’t truly living my life.
On my quest to truly live this life of mine, I have looked hard at things that scare the crap out of me and of those that I would be willing to tackle. This led me to climbing the tallest free-standing mountain in the world; surfing in Hawaii and learning to kayak in class 1, 2, and 3 rapids (despite not knowing how to swim); and facing a fear of heights while zip lining over the Arizona desert and cliff jumping in Bali. Well, 2020 was my 10-year “cancerversary,” and it’s time for another big challenge: completing the TCS New York City Marathon, the largest in the world.
These challenges really are about pushing myself beyond what I think I am capable of. My plan is to complete the marathon doing run/walk intervals.
Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® has graciously allowed me to join their team. Tell Every Amazing Lady®, also known as T.E.A.L.®, is a foundation all about ovarian cancer awareness. Its mission is to promote public awareness and education of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of ovarian cancer while providing support to survivors and raising funds for research in order to find a screening test and cure for ovarian cancer.
Will you consider making a donation toward this worthy cause, and allowing me to meet my fundraising goal? From $5 to $10… everything helps. Thank you in advance.
You can help Shannon reach her fundraising goal for the TCS New York City Marathon here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.