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Maimonides Council Meeting of Community Organizations

This month, T.E.A.L. attended the annual Council of Community Organizations at Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn. The meeting was a gathering of community leaders brought together to discuss the health and wellness of the borough and the role Maimonides will play in the amelioration of the community’s public health. T.E.A.L. took part in the meeting and panel discussion lead by Maimonides Medical Center president Pamela Brier (pictured below). T.E.A.L. has partnered with Maimonides Medical Center in the past to produce Ovarian Cancer Awareness events and informational materials, and Maimonides is a proud sponsor of the annual T.E.A.L. Walk/Run.

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Karissa Whiting and Pamela Esposito-Amery with Maimonides President Pamela Brier

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