Fontbonne Hall Academy invited T.E.A.L. to speak to Senior students about Ovarian Cancer on Thursday, November 13th. Students were educated about the signs, symptoms and risk factors of Ovarian Cancer. They were encouraged to bring this knowledge home to their friends and family in order to spread awareness of this deadly disease. This past September, Fontbonne Hall Academy demonstrated their dedication to T.E.A.L. by creating their first team for the 6th Annual Brooklyn ®T.E.A.L. Walk/Run. Fontbonne Hall Academy also participated in the T.E.A.L. September Awareness Campaign by posting Turn The Towns Teal® ribbons around the school and outside the buildings to promote awareness to the surrounding Bay Ridge neighborhood. T.E.A.L. has also presented to freshmen students about Ovarian Cancer. Thank you Fontbonne Hall Academy for your continued support!
Want T.E.A.L. to inform your school about Ovarian Cancer? Contact us at