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Donnette’s Quilt and T.E.A.L.®

On September 28th, 2017, T.E.A.L.®’s CEO Pamela Esposito-Amery was presented the gift of “Donnette’s Quilt” on stage from amazing lady Donnette James and Timothy Marshall at the 3rd Annual Girls Night Out “Pink & Teal” event in Brooklyn, New York. Donnette is a survivor of Ovarian Cancer and became involved with T.E.A.L.® through T.E.A.L.®’s survivor program and workshops. Family and friends came together to create the quilt in tribute of Donnette and her brave battle with Ovarian Cancer. This beautiful quilt will be displayed at the T.E.A.L.® community center, located at 533 16th St, Brooklyn, NY.

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