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2nd Annual Cancer Awareness Day at Crown Heights Baptist

The First Baptist Church of Crown Heights held their 2nd Annual Cancer Awareness day on September 23rd. T.E.A.L.® attended along with representatives from SHARE, Gilda’s Club, the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, and NYU Langone Cancer Center. The event was created, as stated by First Baptist, because “Our community is in crisis because we don’t have the conversations or information that we need. Everyone has been or will be affected by this disease.” Representatives spoke about different services offered by their organization and how individuals could be affected by cancer. T.E.A.L.® staff member Sabina Braverman spoke about the origins of T.E.A.L.®, our workshop program, and the different components of our work- building a community, funding research, and educating every amazing lady. Attendees were then encouraged to visit tables and learn more about each organization and how to get involved.

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