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2017 Team Annie Fundraiser

On May 5th, 2017 Tell Every Amazing Lady® traveled to Long Island, NY for the 4th Annual Team Annie Team Fundraiser for the 9th Annual Brooklyn T.E.A.L.® Walk/Run. The event was organized by Andrea Silverstein and held in memory of Annie “Andrea” Roberts. T.E.A.L.® handed out flyers and brochures, providing more information about the work that Tell Every Amazing Lady® is doing and how to get involved and also sold merchandise to raise funds for the organization. Teal lights adorned the ceilings of the beautiful venue and the dance floor was lit teal! Music filled the room and News 12’s Christine Insinga kept the crowd going. Tell Every Amazing Lady® CEO, Pamela Esposito-Amery and Andrea Silverstein were even interviewed by Insinga for Long Island’s News 12. It was night filled with a food, drink specials, raffles, prizes, music, and education for an AMAZING cause raising over $3000!


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