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2016 FWC Ovarian Cancer Survivors Course

On May 21st, 2016, ®T.E.A.L. sponsored an Ovarian Cancer Survivors Course hosted by the Foundation for Women’s Cancer held at NYU in partnership with NYU Langone Medical Center. This course for Ovarian Cancer Survivors and their families included a presentation by ®T.E.A.L.’s CEO who provided information about ®T.E.A.L.’s programs for survivors and families touched by the disease. As a member of ®T.E.A.L.’s Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. Elizabeth Poynor moderated a panel discussion. Additional lectures provide information to Ovarian Cancer Survivors about current research in the field, as well as health and wellness advice. The event featured information on genetics, a lecture on Immunotherapeutic approaches for survivors and a talk on CA125 levels, as well as many other lectures given by distinguished speakers. View photos from this event here.  A video of this course will be available soon.

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