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Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines Half Marathon Runner, Taylor!

My name is Taylor Tuohey, I am from Rockaway Beach, New York City and I am so excited to run the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon with Tell Every Amazing Lady® in the upcoming weeks! I have chosen to run my first half marathon with Tell Every Amazing Lady® in memory of my mom – Coleen Tuohey. My mom battled ovarian cancer for several years before passing away in February 2014. My mom and I, along with family and friends would always participate in Tell Every Amazing Lady® walks as it was one of her favorite days. She would always be dancing and smiling the entire walk. It will soon be 10 years and I thought this is a perfect time to run for her, and others who are battling ovarian cancer! 

To donate to Taylor, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today. 

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