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Meet Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® 2022 TCS New York City Marathon Runner Monika!

The 2022 TCS New York City Marathon will be a very special event for me, not only because it will be my first marathon ever, but mostly because I will be running to support an amazing cause. I am proud to be a member of team Tell Every Amazing Lady® to raise awareness about ovarian cancer.

To me, running a marathon is like a life journey: it is unknown, challenging, and it tests physical strength and mental resilience. I hope that at the end it will also give me a lot of joy and a sense of achievement.  

A few years ago, when I was going through a different journey, the one from cancer to recovery, I would not have thought that I would be able to run a marathon. Slowly and gradually, running became my new journey, allowing me to feel no boundaries and giving me a sense of freedom. I am still finding out where it will take me. 

Being one of thousands of women affected by ovarian cancer, I want to Tell Every Amazing Lady® that they can, that there is hope. Those amazing ladies who are going through the battle with the disease should never give up. One of the best pieces of advice that I received was from my doctor, who told me that positive attitude and belief in a successful outcome is key to recovery. I can attest to that. Step by step, mile-by-mile, gradually, we can win the battle. 

If I could make a significant change in the fight against this disease, I would make testing for ovarian cancer part of preventive care. I believe that early detection on a larger scale would make a considerable difference.    

Running for T.E.A.L.® will allow me to make at least a small difference and support this amazing cause.

You can help Monika reach her fundraising goal for the TCS New York City Marathon here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.

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