I heard of the race through social media and I knew that I wanted an organization that supported ovarian cancer in support of my grandmother Susan Weller, and when I saw T.E.A.L.® with the name and everything it stood for, it just simply struck a chord with me. I knew this was a foundation I wanted to be a part of for not just this race, but for its community.
I have been wanting to run this race for a very long time and I have a lot of drive and determination to focus on training. My goal is to do the race to the best of my ability and spread awareness for ovarian cancer and T.E.A.L.® with everything I have to offer.
Simply, I love the feeling of running. When I first started running it was during the summer as a camp counselor during their Race for the Arts. I had heard of the race before but never participated so I chose to do so to promote and show my support to my camp along with my campers. The first time I did it I had no idea that I had the ability to do something like that and having the amount of love and support that I had felt just that much greater. Now with this race I know the feeling is going to be greater than ever. I feel accomplished with everything I have been preparing for and hope it all follows through as planned.
If I could send a message to one amazing lady, I would tell my grandmother how much I loved and cared for her and that I hope she sees what I’m doing to continue her legacy. I just know that if she knew I was doing this race she’d be doing it right alongside me and that’s what I’m going to be thinking about while doing it. Also, to every amazing lady, participating in this race or not, I want to do you all proud.
You can help Oriana reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.