One of my wife’s best friends is a longtime friend of Pamela (the CEO and co-founder of T.E.A.L.®). We were introduced to Pamela at a T.E.A.L.® party in New York we both attended and got to know her and the cause of her foundation. From then, we attended local fundraisers and events in New York, and the Savannah T.E.A.L.® Walk to raise money.
I am so excited to run this race again and in person! This year my goal is to break two hours with our T.E.A.L.® teammate and first-time half marathon runner Marc Lieberman!
I love running with friends and celebrating the accomplishment after crossing the finish line. Also, there is no better way to see a city than running on 13 miles of its streets.
If I had the power to make a difference in one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be to raise awareness and provide resources to educate women about signs, symptoms and early detection.
To every amazing lady: Educate yourself about ovarian cancer, take the precautionary measures, and talk to your doctor.
I am very proud to be raising money for such a great cause!
You can help Michael reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.