I became involved with T.E.A.L.® through my great friend and colleague Michael Ferraro. We were chatting about my newfound running hobby and he mentioned the United Airlines NYC Half and T.E.A.L.® charity and I was all-in. A great cause and new experience for me!
My goal is to be in the best running shape of my life and enjoy the whole experience. I have a 2-hour goal in mind but I’ll be most happy to complete my first half marathon, raise awareness for T.E.A.L.® and meet some great new people along the way.
I love how running “quiets” my head and often helps me think more clearly. It’s an activity that when completed, makes me feel better about my day and what was accomplished.
If I had the power to make a difference related to ovarian cancer, I would want to increase awareness, funding and research. And hopefully a cure is discovered as a result.
Every amazing lady has the power to inspire others with their courage, positive attitude, and bravery.
I’m honored to be on the team!!!
You can help Marc reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.