I wanted to run for a charity that personally meant a lot to me. I had a family member who was affected with ovarian cancer and wished they had the resources we do now and were educated about the signs and symptoms for early detection. I came across T.E.A.L.® when looking for a fulfilling purpose to run the United Airlines NYC Half through New York Road Runners.
My goal is to finish the half marathon and raise $1,000 for T.E.A.L.®.
I love that running is so accessible. Almost anyone can do it and pick it up at some point in their lives. All they need is some good shoes and a road or trail. I was reading a book, Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, in which he states that humans are the only bipeds who are able to run for long periods of time. Although we may not be faster than other animals, we can run for the longest. That really inspired me to start running again because I wanted to see what my body was fully capable of endurance-wise. In a race like a marathon, I think it inspires so many people because while we are celebrating human bodies and fitness, we also come together to run for different personal causes which motivated us to run in the first place.
If I could change something related to ovarian cancer, It definitely would be to raise more awareness! According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer ranks fifth in cancers with the highest mortality rates amongst women. There have been advancements in things like targeted therapy and chemotherapy to treat those affected. Early detection efforts increase when there is more awareness and early detection is key when treating ovarian cancer to reduce mortality rates.
My message for every amazing lady would be to take care of yourselves. We may have busy lives and be told to ignore or brush aside some signs or symptoms but you know your body best. If there is something that arises that you think is a valid concern, please see a doctor or professional.
I just wanted to say that this is my first official half marathon and I am proud to be representing T.E.A.L.®!
You can help Lamisa reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.