I became involved with T.E.A.L.® in 2016 shortly after the passing of my mother-in-law from ovarian cancer.
My goal in the United Airlines NYC Half is to support my wife who will be running with me; to raise awareness; and to generate support and attention around ovarian cancer and the efforts of T.E.A.L.®.
While I have always been an athlete, I have never been a ‘runner’ and this will be my first half marathon. That said, I have supported my wife through two half marathons and a full marathon and look forward to sharing this challenge with her.
If I had the power to make a in one thing related to ovarian cancer, I would promote greater attention to and knowledge around the importance of early detection.
To my mother-in-law: you are forever in our thoughts. We miss you and love you and will continue to do all that we can to honor your memory through fundraising efforts and our support of T.E.A.L.®
You can help Jason reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.