My best friend’s mom passed away this past September to ovarian cancer after fighting for about eight years. I considered her my aunt not because we are related, but because she was like a second mom to me. She was one of those truly special individuals. Every person that had her in their life was blessed to have known her and we were all so lucky to have her fight for those extra years. We will all miss her very much!
I have several goals for the United Airlines NYC Half. First, raise as much money as possible for ovarian cancer research. Second, promote a ton of awareness on social media. Third, support my best friend in his training after these tough last few months. Lastly, finish the race with a sub 10-minute mile pace.
What I love about running is that it’s your own time and space to have an inner thought process and conversation with yourself. In addition, I love to take in the surroundings, whether its the NYC skyline or just the foliage on trees in the suburbs.
If I had the power to make a difference in one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be early detection, which corresponds in a way with raising awareness.
Aunt Marypat, we all love you so much. You raised one incredible family and we know you’re looking down over us in heaven.
One last thing that I would share with T.E.A.L.® readers is: Aunt Marypat made easily the best chocolate chip cookies on the planet.
You can help James reach his fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.