I heard about Tell Every Amazing Lady® through my younger brother Henry, who ran with the team last year. The outpouring of love and support he received, and the donations he generated for the organization was truly inspiring.
We lost our mom, MaryPat, to ovarian cancer in September of 2022. Running a half-marathon isn’t easy, and the training can sometimes be difficult. However, it is nothing compared to what our mom faced, like so many other women, in her fight against cancer. I am looking forward to pushing myself to honor what she went through.
My goal for the race is to enjoy it. I am not necessarily looking to finish in a certain amount of time, but to enjoy experiencing the run alongside my brother while appreciating those who come out to support us.
I hope to remain a part of Tell Every Amazing Lady® moving forward. I believe that research into earlier detection of ovarian cancer is what will be the key to saving the lives of countless women moving forward. I am looking forward to continuing to help spread the organization’s message and, most importantly, make my mom proud.
To donate to Maeve, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon fundraising page. To apply for a future marathon, or to learn more, please visit Team Tell Every Amazing Lady®’s half-marathon page today.