A group of women that I run with decided that we should all enter our names into the [United Airlines NYC Half] lottery, and 5 out of 7 got a spot, but my friend Eileen and I did not. She told me that we could fundraise and I said I would look into it and see if I found a charity that spoke to me, and that is how I found T.E.A.L.®.
Honestly, finishing the half marathon is my goal. A good time would be nice too!
What I love most about running is the feeling of accomplishment after you push yourself out of your comfort zone.
I would love to be able to make genetic testing more accessible for all women, not just those with a family history of ovarian cancer.
If I could share a message to every amazing lady, I would say: Please don’t wait – if you are experiencing symptoms, please go to your doctor. My mother was so swollen and yet she waited rather than getting checked out right away thinking she was having stomach issues.
Support Kendra and Tell Every Amazing Lady® at her fundraiser here!