I became aware of T.E.A.L.® around 2016, when I underwent genetic counseling and found out that I carried the BRCA 1 gene mutation. I have a family history of both breast and ovarian cancers, so was keen to get involved with an organization that was focused on ovarian cancer research and awareness. I have done a number of the annual T.E.A.L.® 5k races in Brooklyn (pre-pandemic) and T.E.A.L.®’s mission is critical to bringing more awareness to these issues.
My goal for the 2022 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon is to finish! Kidding aside, this will be my third year participating in the NYC Half and I am thrilled to be representing Team Tell Every Amazing Lady® for 13.1 miles.
I love the mental focus running brings me by just putting one foot in front of the other; I also love the camaraderie it creates with other runners and the chance to be outside through all seasons of the year.
If I had the power to make a difference or change in one thing related to ovarian cancer, finding a cure would certainly be top of my list but short of that, it would be to find a reliable mechanism/test for early detection.
If I could share a message to every amazing lady about ovarian cancer, it would be: Together, we are stronger.
Support Kate and Tell Every Amazing Lady® at her fundraiser here!