I became interested in T.E.A.L.® when my dear friend Dena was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer in August of 2020. She was given a 20% chance of survival. She endured grueling chemo treatments and horrible side effects, but she preserved and is cancer free today. She is a true hero!
Running is something I’ve enjoyed for years. Besides just the cardio and fitness benefits, it gives me a chance to enjoy the fresh air and let my mind relax. I’ll think about my day or future plans or I’ll just pray as I run.
My goal for the half marathon is to have fun and hopefully finish in just under two hours.
If I could change anything relating to ovarian cancer it would be to a way to have early detection. If there was a simple test or scan that every woman could receive each year, so many lives could be saved.
My message to all women is that you are amazing and so special. My friend, Dena is an inspiration and I’m so proud of her!!!!
You can help Tricia reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.