I became involved in T.E.A.L.® when one of my best friend’s moms passed away this year due to ovarian cancer. She was one of the most loved individuals and left such an impact on everyone who was lucky enough to know her. When I found out about T.E.A.L.®, it was the perfect way to honor her legacy and support all the other amazing ladies who have battled it.
My goal for the United Airlines NYC Half is to raise as much money as possible for ovarian cancer research and spread awareness of this amazing organization. I want to go out there with my best friends and make Mary Pat proud by running a fast race and having a blast while doing it!
My favorite thing about running is the “runners high” you get during it and the mental clarity it brings you. It is an amazing tool for reliving stress and anxiety. It also allows me to explore amazing places whether it be the streets of NYC or a different country!
If I had the power to change one thing related to ovarian cancer, I would love to provide better access and awareness to early detection procedures and develop a screening test specific to ovarian cancer.
The message I would like to send to Mary Pat is that she is so unbelievably loved and has left an amazing legacy. She has raised the most wonderful family and everyone is beyond lucky to have the rest of the Mulhollands in their lives. To all the other amazing ladies – you are absolute warriors and inspirations to each and every one of us!
Thank you!
You can help Nika reach her fundraising goal for the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half here. All donations go to Tell Every Amazing Lady® and help with the fight against ovarian cancer.