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Bald is Beautiful comes to the T.E.A.L. Walk

Sharon Blynn, model, actor, and host of the PBS documentary “The Whisper: The Silent Crisis of Ovarian Cancer” will speak at this year’s T.E.A.L. Walk.  Sharon was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 28, and since her recovery has gone on to become a leading advocate for women battling the disease.  Through her web site,, as well as her many public appearances, Sharon has helped countless women ‘flip the script’ on ovarian cancer and redefine beauty and recovery in their own terms. It’s a theme she develops effectively in her powerful new public television documentary entitled “The Whisper: The Silent Crisis of Ovarian Cancer,” which premieres in the NY metro area on Friday, September 24th at 7pm on WLIW21, with repeat presentations on Monday, September 27th at 10:30pm and Friday, October 1st at 11:30pm.

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