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2014 Brooklyn T.E.A.L. Walk/Run Fundraising Winners!

Thank you to everyone who worked hard to fundraise this year for the 6th Annual T.E.A.L. Walk/Run for Ovarian Cancer. Because of your support and dedication, we have raised an incredible amount of money for Ovarian Cancer research and awareness programs. Thank you!

A special thank you to those who went above and beyond to raise money for this cause. Congratulations to our top fundraisers this year:

Top Individual Fundraiser: Lynn Fishkind 
This year, the top individual fundraiser won a free Carnival Cruise for two! Thanks Lynn for raising almost $5,000 for Ovarian Cancer!

Second Top Individual Fundraiser: Schern Yung
Schern Yung, second individual fundraiser won a NYC gift package including 2 Top of the Rock passes, an NYC food tour for two, and a free Circle Line Water Taxi ride. Great job Schern!

Third Top Individual Fundraiser: Jeff Gorman
T.E.A.L. Walk veteran Jeff Gorman took home third individual fundraiser award winning a year Citibike membership. Thanks Jeff!

Top Team Prize: Team Annie
Team Annie won the top fundraising team prize, by successfully raising almost $12,000 for Ovarian Cancer! Great Job Team Annie!

Largest Team Award: Marcy’s Army
Marcy’s Army lead by Ovarian Cancer survivor Marcy Lopez truly was an army on the day of the Walk/Run recruiting 45 people for their team! Wow!

Most Spirited Team Award: Team Jackalicious 
Team Jackalicious stole the show with their Jackalicious-themed sunglasses and Boas!

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